Constitution of SAS


The club shall be known as the Sarveswara Arts & Sports Club hereinafter referred to as the SAS.


The purpose of the SAS shall be to organize sports activities among club members and their families including children on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, with the objective of reviving and rejuvenating the physical and competitive talents of the club members; to provide a platform to enjoy and compete in different sporting activities; to organize annual competitions etc.


  • Membership shall be open to all irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, creed, color, social status and sexual orientation and shall be a full membership based on the committee’s discretion.
  • The Subscription year will commence on the 1st of October and terminate on the last day of September.
  • a. The Annual Subscription shall be a Full Membership - An amount to be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Any member who has outstanding subscriptions on the 1st Jan shall be deemed to have terminated his/her membership
  • The membership shall be renewed every year and last year’s members will have preference in membership subscription in the following year.
  • The Committee shall have the right to suspend, expel or discipline any member, if, in their opinion, he/she has brought the Club into disrepute or has been found guilty of conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Club, subject to the member’s right to appeal at the next general meeting


  • The SAS shall be governed by the Management Committee (herein called "The Committee") consisting of:
    • President
    • General Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Operations Manager
    • Public Relations Officer
  • As far as possible, work shall be divided equally among Committee Members, taking into account Members’ other commitments.
  • Committee members shall serve for a maximum of 5 years in succession, except that, they may serve beyond 5 years if voted for at the relevant AGM by a minimum of 2/3 of the votes present at the meeting. In other words if a member stands for his/her 6th year in succession, he/she would need a minimum of 2/3 of the votes in order to remain on the Committee.
  • Any member registered with the SAS may stand for election to the Committee, except that this shall not apply for the first 5 years of Club’s existence


  • The committee shall be responsible for ensuring that the purpose and spirit of the Club is upheld and it shall be empowered to take what action it considers fit, to do this.
  • The Committee shall be empowered to invite new members to join the club
  • The Committee shall have the power to discipline its members and to co-opt new non-voting members on the Committee for special purposes and for such periods it sees fit.
  • The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees from time to time for specific purposes which it shall determine.
  • A quorum for all Committee meetings shall be minimum 3 Committee members. Absence from two consecutive meetings of any member without reasonable cause being stated will entitle the Committee to seek a replacement Committee member. The Committee shall have full discretion in such matters. Alternatively, ‘meetings’ may be held via email.
  • The Committee shall be the authority over the correct interpretation and enforcement of the rules, and shall have full jurisdiction over all matters not provided for in these rules.
  • Minutes of all Committee meetings shall be kept and sent to all Committee members by General Secretary within one week of the meeting.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the SAS shall be held in September or as close as possible each year, on a date fixed by the Committee.

  • Each family shall have one vote; the name of the family member who is going to vote should be informed to the committee 3 days before the AGM. Members will be entitled to vote only after they have completed one year in SAS.
  • A report of the SAS’s annual financial situation shall be presented at the AGM, and the officers and members of the Committee shall be elected.
  • The support of a simple majority of those voting shall be necessary to carry a resolution at the AGM. In the event of a tied vote, the President (or his/her appointee), who normally does not have a vote, shall have a casting vote. The President of the AGM shall be the President of the SAS or his/her appointee.
  • Voting on all resolutions shall be taken by a show of hands, but if the voting is challenged, or is regarded by the President as dealing with particularly sensitive issues, he/she shall order a card vote to be taken.
  • Notice of all General Meetings shall be sent to all members at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting. Resolutions to be submitted to the AGM must be proposed and seconded by members and be forwarded to the Committee not later than 7 days prior to the date of the meeting, and the Agenda of the meeting shall be published to members no later than 5 days before the meeting.
  • Minutes of all General Meetings shall be taken by General Secretary and be kept on record. Copies shall be sent to all members.
  • Any proposed amendments to Clause 11 (Dissolution) can only be passed by a majority of more than two thirds of members. In case of Dissolution of the SAS, any surplus funds after meeting any liabilities will be equally divided amongst the members, in proportion to their length of membership in the SAS.


  • Each member shall be required to pay an annual subscription prior to 30th September of each year. The subscription amount will be decided on by the Committee and notified to members latest by 1st September of that year.
  • Any member whose subscription remains unpaid by the 1st Jan in any one year may be struck off the roll of membership, but official warning to this/her effect shall be given as directed by the Committee, and one week be allowed for payment.
  • A member removed from the membership under section (B) shall not be readmitted except by payment of all arrears, if any.


  • An account shall be kept in the name of "Sarveswara Arts & Sports Club" at a bank approved by the committee, into which all moneys received on behalf of the Sarveswara Arts & Sports Club. The accounts of the SAS shall be kept by the Treasurer, and a report of the accounts shall be presented to all members at the AGM.
  • Funds will be used to cover the costs of organizing sports activities, running the annual competitions, arranging prizes and improving playing conditions for all members.
  • Misuse of Funds
  • Anyone found to be misusing SAS funds will be severely dealt with by the Committee and, where appropriate, legal remedies will be sought.


All disputes or disagreements shall be made in writing/e-mail and forwarded to the Committee.

  • Verbal abuse, intimidation or violence are absolutely prohibited and shall be treated as serious offence and may involve, in the Committee’s discretion, banning of the member concerned.


The Committee shall have the power to expel from the SAS any member who has contravened these rules or which has, in the opinion of the Committee, otherwise brought discredit upon the SAS, except that no member shall be expelled without having the opportunity to state a case before the Committee.


The SAS may be dissolved by a resolution of an AGM or EGM (Extraordinary general meeting), the conditions of voting in Rule 6 being applicable. Should there be insufficient funds at the time of dissolution to meet the liabilities; the deficit shall be met by the members in such proportions as the meeting dissolving the SAS shall determine.


The SAS, in its discretion, will present awards and trophies to winning members in different competitions conducted by the club.